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Best AI Tools, Apps & Software | October 2023 (Week 4)


Bastien Billey

Slashprompt Founder

3min read

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Greetings, humans!

We're excited to present to you the Fourth Edition of Slashprompt's Dose of AI. Our consistent endeavor is to introduce you to the latest and greatest in the realm of AI. So, without further ado, let's get right into it.

Remember our mission? Transforming you into Super-Humans, one AI tool at a time! Let’s unveil the magical AI tools we've been tinkering with this week. 🧙‍♂️✨

Fire New AI Tools for Becoming Superhuman


Supercharge your short video


Highlights: OpusClip offers a user-friendly platform for crafting short videos.​ Utilizes AI to enhance various features, ensuring the creation of an ideal short clip. This includes hook detection, video splitting, adding captions, and more.

Lowlights: Occasional issues with centering faces correctly in the frame.


Elevate Your Writing


Highlights: Leverage the strength of AI-enhanced grammar and spelling checks to elevate your writing quality. Iterate quickly with its multiplatform applications, making it an excellent choice for writers everywhere.

Lowlights: Lacks a dark mode feature.


AI powered Documents base and workflow


Highlights: A versatile tool equipped to handle all your project needs, from planning to execution. Abundant AI-enhanced features that can generate various components including project plans, tasks, texts, emails, and more. Perfect for streamlining daily tasks and boosting productivity.

Lowlights: The sheer volume of options might be overwhelming for newcomers.


Sonic Content creation


Highlights: Offers a plethora of templates catering to diverse content needs. Not just limited to text, but also supports image and audio generation.

Lowlights: Lacks any out-of-the-box, standout features.

That's it for this week's Slashprompt AI Dose. Give these tools a try; they might just make a difference in your work. We'll be back with more tech finds. Until then, keep exploring and see what works best for you. Cheers!

All reviews are made by us, focusing on cool and upcoming tools. We make sure to share only the ones we love. This email does not contain any sponsored content.