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Best AI Tools, Apps & Software | November 2023 (Week 1)


Bastien Billey

Slashprompt Founder

3min read

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Greetings, humans!

We're excited to present to you the Fifth Edition of Slashprompt's Dose of AI. Our consistent endeavor is to introduce you to the latest and greatest in the realm of AI. So, without further ado, let's get right into it.

Remember our mission? Transforming you into Super-Humans, one AI tool at a time! Let’s unveil the magical AI tools we've been tinkering with this week. 🧙‍♂️✨

Fire New AI Tools for Becoming Superhuman

Genie AI

Your AI Legal Sidekick

Genie AI

Highlights: Dive into an extensive library of templates and use cases, tailored for both UK and USA legal scenarios. Pose any question, and watch the AI genie conjure the right answers for all your legal conundrums.

Lowlights: Currently serves just two countries, but hey, expansion is surely on the horizon!


Transform Text to Vivid Videos


Highlights: Flex your creativity with an array of features, turning plain text into engaging videos. User-friendly interface for a smooth ride!

Lowlights: Visuals sometimes miss the mark in resonating with the content.


The Ultimate AI-Powered Photo Studio


Highlights: An all-in-one hub for crafting stunning images. Excellent mobile apps, an enriched Pro version, and a competitively priced offering. Plus, devs will love the accessible API.

Lowlights: So far, it's smooth sailing without any hitches!

Audio Stack

Production ready audio generation

Audio Stack

Highlights: Hassle-free audio production that sounds professional. Dive into a pool of diverse voices, accents, and languages. Whether you need text-to-audio, voiceovers, or ad audios, this tool has you covered.

Lowlights: An easier way to preview voices from the dashboard would be nice.


Search for People, Powered by AI


Highlights: A sophisticated and precise search tool. Discover 200+ profiles that fit your criteria in a snap, complete with detailed information.

Lowlights: Steap pricing but it’s a pro tool.

That's it for this week's Slashprompt AI Dose. Give these tools a try; they might just make a difference in your work. We'll be back with more tech finds. Until then, keep exploring and see what works best for you. Cheers!

All reviews are made by us, focusing on cool and upcoming tools. We make sure to share only the ones we love. This email does not contain any sponsored content.