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Best AI Tools, OpenAI dev day recap | November 2023 (Week 2)


Bastien Billey

Slashprompt Founder

3min read

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Greetings, humans!

We're thrilled to roll out the Sixth Edition of Slashprompt's Dose of AI. Our passion for innovation remains unwavering as we aim to bring you the cream of the crop from the AI universe. So let’s not dawdle and dive straight into the tech tide.

Embrace our mission yet? It's about morphing you into Super-Humans, one AI wizardry at a time! Ready to peek behind the curtain at the magical AI tools we've been mastering this week? 🧙✨

Spotlight on AI Design Tools of the Week

This week, we're focusing on AI tools to help you in your design journey. No matter what your role is, having the ability to craft appealing visuals is a nice skill to have in your toolbelt.


Gandalf as a UI designer


Highlights: A breeze for converting hand-drawn ideas into interactive prototypes. Ideal for non-designers looking for simplicity and collaboration without entangling in the complexity of advanced design platforms.

Lowlights: May fall short for the pros desiring granular control. Beware of AI misinterpretations and the potential craving for more sophisticated design elements.


The AI Color Oracle


Highlights: Khroma learns your color preferences like an attentive apprentice, providing endless personalized palettes, gradients and other combination. This AI is a boon for designers, artists, and brand connoisseurs who yearn for design cohesion and simplicity.

Lowlights: It’s free and gives very useful results, hard to find a negative point for it.

Let's Enhance

The Image Quality Booster

Let's Enhance

Highlights: AI handy tool for making images look better. Enhance, Upscale, Sharpen… Especially when you're dealing with low-resolution files. It's straightforward and does what it says on the tin.

Lowlights: Struggles with extremely low-quality inputs, we’re not in a CSI episode yet.

Adobe Firefly

The veteran of Design Tools

Adobe Firefly

Highlights: Firefly is part of Adobe's suite, designed to help you generate images and design elements quickly. It's user-friendly and can be a real time-saver.

Lowlights: There's a risk of generic-looking results if relied upon too heavily, and it raises some questions about the future of design originality.

Other AI Design Tools

Did you miss the previous editions? Here are a few more tools to help you in your design journey:

  • Diagram: Magic wand for handcrafted design!
  • Framer: AI-Powered Web Development Tool
  • Canva: Streamlining Your Branding Journey
  • PhotoRoom: The Ultimate AI-Powered Photo Studio
  • Leonardo: Crafting Visuals of Tomorrow

OpenAI Dev Day recap: The future of ChatGPT

Important week for OpenAI and ChatGPT. They just revealed brand new features to push innovation further. Things are moving fast, let's try to keep up with it. Here’s a breakdown of what was announced at OpenAI Dev Day: (disclaimer: it might be a bit technical)

Introducing GPT-4 Turbo: A Giant Leap Forward

The spotlight at OpenAI Dev Day shone on the launch of GPT-4 Turbo. This new iteration is not just powerful—with a 128K context window capable of digesting over 300 pages of text—but it's also surprisingly cost-effective. This game-changing model is set to make sophisticated AI more accessible than ever before.

Enhancements to GPT-3.5 Turbo

Not to be outdone, GPT-3.5 Turbo boasts a 38% performance boost in generating structured data formats. With seamless access via API and an automatic upgrade for applications using the older model, GPT-3.5 Turbo continues to be an indispensable tool for developers.

Forge AI Assistants with the New Assistants API

The debut of the Assistants API marks a significant milestone, enabling the creation of bespoke AI assistants tailored to a multitude of tasks. These highly adaptable assistants can tackle anything from data crunching to orchestrating the perfect playlist with voice commands.

Step into the Multimodal Era

GPT now extends into the multimodal domain, merging vision, image creation, and text-to-speech functionalities. GPT-4 Turbo's image input capability, coupled with DALL·E 3's integration into the Images API and a high-quality text-to-speech model, unlocks a new realm of creative and analytical possibilities.

More Accessible AI with Lower Prices and Higher Rate Limits

OpenAI announced reduced prices and increased rate limits. These changes are set to catalyze the scalable application of AI across diverse fields.

There's more but that's the most interesting to outline for now. Future is bright for OpenAI and in the coming months we are going to get more and more exciting innovation.

That's it for this week's Slashprompt AI Dose. Give these tools a try; they might just make a difference in your work. We'll be back with more tech finds. Until then, keep exploring and see what works best for you. Cheers!

All reviews are made by us, focusing on cool and upcoming tools. We make sure to share only the ones we love. This email does not contain any sponsored content.